hello, everyone :3 i go simply by yuki in tom's chat, and am one of his moderators. i haven't been exposed to nearly as much technology as a lot of you here growing up. my family bought a Gateway 2000 new in, of course, 2000. we never had internet, so i mostly used it for playing games and writing poems (which i still do). i never really used the internet until i was 16, and only recently had access at home.
my very first game console was a Game Boy Color i received as a Christmas gift when i was 8, along with Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, and Mario Golf. the very next console i got was a used playstation, given to my brother and i by my uncle when i was 14. we got Spyro: Year of the Dragon with it. currently, i have an n64, a ps2, and a DS. so, as you can see, I wasnt exactly raised a gamer, so there are a lot of things i dont know. now i am a casual gamer, and my favorite genre is RPGs, though i also like platformers, puzzle, strategy, and a select few shooters. basically, if i like it, i play it. The Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy series are among my favorites. Also, i freaking LOOOVE The Legend of Zelda <3
i'm a 20 year old college student, currently in her Junior year of majoring in Biology/Zoology. due to a few circumstances of classes only being offered every other year, i have to go an extra semester to graduate. i love to read and write, especially fantasy and sci-fi. Shakespeare, Homer, and Dante are among my favorite non-modern authors. i also adore music. the piano is possibly my favorite instrument, as is the guitar. i'm also into almost anything japanese. no, i'm not a weeaboo or whatever it's called x3 i love the culture, especially the artwork, language, and myths. and yes, i'm also into anime and manga. Miyazaki is possibly my favorite director <3
most of you know the two most important men in my life (next to my dad, of course): my absolutely wonderful boyfriend Michael <3<3 (who most of you know as KaidanXain), and my best friend Austin. it's a guarantee that i'm either talking to one or both of them, and if i'm hanging out with someone, you can be assured Austin will be there. i also have a number of people in the chat i consider close friends (you'd know who you are :3).
i hope to see you all in the chat sometime ^^ if you ever want to chat, just shoot me a message on skype or the chat.
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