Stream Quotes
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:20 pm
Do you have any memorable quotes from the chat room you would like to share with us?
Now you're chatting with power!
Chat: [08:47:31 PM] BigAl109: You know what I blame this on?
[08:47:34 PM] BigAl109: That dang puppy cam.
[08:47:36 PM] Pete993: no
[08:47:39 PM] BigAl109: It's been all over the news.
[08:47:40 PM] Pete993: ?
[08:47:44 PM] Pete993: what?
[08:47:50 PM] BigAl109: Just imagine the trafic they've received.
[08:48:28 PM] BigAl109: 15,389 viewers.
[08:48:34 PM] BigAl109:
[08:49:44 PM] BigAl109: xD
Pete993 (Skype): "I mean it's cute but its not like "OH MY GOD IT'S SO CUTE I WANNA REACH
[09:02:57 PM] Pete993: cant tom set it up so it doesnt do that to ops?
[09:03:06 PM] BigAl109: I speak for the little people.
[09:03:26 PM] BigAl109: But yes, he can.
[09:03:52 PM] Pete993: NANANANA!
[09:03:58 PM] BigAl109: Saw it coming.
[09:03:59 PM] BigAl109: lol
[09:04:01 PM] Pete993: lol
[09:04:07 PM] Pete993: gotta do it
[09:04:08 PM] Pete993: i swear
[09:04:35 PM] Pete993: i could be like hacking a game or something... be inactive or something... and then out of nowhere say that when tom opens a chest
[09:04:53 PM] BigAl109: 120 days idle.
[09:04:59 PM] BigAl109: Pete993: NANANANA!!!!!
[09:05:04 PM] Pete993: lmfao
[09:05:14 PM] BigAl109: lol
[09:05:18 PM] Pete993: its just my thing
[09:05:31 PM] BigAl109: But no lie, I saw a guy that had been idle for over 50 days.
[09:05:52 PM] Pete993: i remember once... i was looking for soemthing... i think it was like a sock or something
[09:06:16 PM] Pete993: anyway i hear the opening sound and i RUSH to the computer, knocking things over as i do just to say that
[09:06:33 PM] BigAl109: LOL
Skype Call (while playing SM64)
Smashdude29: Tom, if you could add any powerup to this game, what would it be?
TomBobBlender: The power to turn it off!
(Lol this one is still funny)
[09:25:44 PM] chuckroast: "epic oreo break!"
[09:25:45 PM] Pete993: well i would. mario PWNS
[09:25:48 PM] WackyMan: pete are you happy skunky is gone
[09:25:48 PM] PantheonSasuke: guess you didn't grap that, Chuck
[09:25:50 PM] Pete993: so i'd buy it
[09:25:53 PM] Pete993: uh wacky...
[09:25:58 PM] skunkyp: wat are u saying wacky
[09:26:01 PM] Pete993: XD
[09:26:03 PM] WackyMan: WHAT
KaidanXain: lord banondorf, did you see tom swear?
Banondorf: I don't think you're old enough to know, KaidanXain
[10:16:56 PM] Hugbees: lord banondorf, am I using the proper format for asking you questions?
[10:16:57 PM] Banondorf: I don't know, Hugbees
[10:18:22 PM] Ronso158: lord banondorf, YOUR FACE WILL DIE
[10:18:22 PM] Banondorf: no, Ronso158
[10:18:34 PM] ScreamingPixel: lord banondorf, will i get a girlfriend tommorow?
[10:18:35 PM] Banondorf: you won't like my answer, ScreamingPixel
[10:19:09 PM] MrRayKoma: lord banondorf, is toytoy a noob
[10:19:09 PM] Banondorf: stop it with the questions, Ronso158! Feel the wrath!
[10:19:10 PM] *** Mode change "+b Ronso158!*" for channel #tombobblender by Banondorf.
[10:19:11 PM] *** Ronso158 has been kicked from #tombobblender by Banondorf: five minute ban for bugging Banondorf.
[04:07:59 PM] Akagi: Why does tom use two different accounts?
[04:08:10 PM] miami974: hiya
[04:08:17 PM] MrRayKoma: tom has 2???
[04:08:25 PM] miami974: he has 3
[04:08:26 PM] KevTehNev: no
[04:08:28 PM] monolith_: He's got
[04:08:29 PM] Akagi: doesn't he use TBB and TomBobBlender?
[04:08:31 PM] AncientGuru: 3, yeah
[04:08:35 PM] monolith_: And TBBlender.
[04:08:37 PM] KevTehNev: he changes his nick
[04:08:40 PM] AncientGuru: TBB, TomBobBlender, and TTBl...exactly
[04:08:47 PM] Akagi: oh yeah
[04:08:50 PM] Akagi: I forgot about that one
[04:08:55 PM] chuckroast: !guess ihavenoclue
[04:08:56 PM] MrRayKoma: its "/nick" feature
[04:09:02 PM] *** KevTehNev is now known as TBB.
[04:09:05 PM] TBB: see
[04:09:07 PM] monolith_: lol
[04:09:08 PM] chuckroast: "hktelopoliohk-b-ao"
[04:09:10 PM] miami974: hi tom
[04:09:13 PM] miami974: llol
[04:09:14 PM] Akagi: gasp!
[04:09:15 PM] chuckroast: Tom! Help us out!
[04:09:16 PM] AncientGuru: that's not tom. lol
[04:09:17 PM] miami974: o lol
[04:09:17 PM] TBB: I AM TOM FEAR ME
[04:09:22 PM] miami974: u are not tom
[04:09:23 PM] Akagi: Impersonation!
[04:09:24 PM] chuckroast: *sigh* i hate when that happens
[04:09:28 PM] Akagi: I don't know who you are anymore!
[04:09:32 PM] AncientGuru: it's kevthetom
[04:09:33 PM] *** monolith_ is now known as toytoy411-.
[04:09:35 PM] toytoy411-: LMAO
[04:09:36 PM] AncientGuru: *teh
[04:09:37 PM] miami974: lol
[04:09:38 PM] chuckroast: NOOO
[04:09:40 PM] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #tombobblender by TomBobBlender.
[04:09:40 PM] *** TBB has been kicked from #tombobblender by TomBobBlender: TomBobBlender
[04:09:47 PM] miami974: OMG ITS TOYTOY
[04:09:48 PM] toytoy411-: O_O
[04:09:50 PM] MrRayKoma: toytoy???
[04:09:51 PM] *** WackyMan has joined #tombobblender.
[04:09:51 PM] *** Mode change "+v WackyMan" for channel #tombobblender by
[04:09:52 PM] *** toytoy411- is now known as monolith_.
[04:09:53 PM] *** Mode change "+v monolith_" for channel #tombobblender by
[04:09:58 PM] chuckroast: Noooo!
[04:10:02 PM] miami974: ITS A FAKE
[04:10:05 PM] monolith_: Uh...oh...
[04:10:07 PM] Pete993: XD
[04:10:08 PM] AncientGuru: lol
[04:10:08 PM] chuckroast: ITS A TRAP
[04:10:09 PM] monolith_: That wasn't good.
[04:10:10 PM] WackyMan: lolololollolololol
[04:10:15 PM] miami974: hmm
[04:10:16 PM] Akagi: you made tom mad
[04:10:18 PM] miami974: XD
[04:10:19 PM] monolith_: I'm guessing....Tom is here...
[04:10:21 PM] miami974: it works
[04:10:22 PM] chuckroast: hktelopoliohk-b-ao
[04:10:30 PM] chuckroast: that's the scramble
[04:10:31 PM] AncientGuru: anyways, I give up on this scramble
[04:10:34 PM] monolith_: Okay...I'm never changing my nick again...unless it's oreo break
[04:10:36 PM] AncientGuru: I can't make it work
[09:09:35 PM] crunkster64: who is ho-cost?
[09:09:42 PM] rottenralph73: ho-cost?
[09:09:49 PM] rottenralph73: co-host
[09:09:56 PM] Pete993: ...nice typo
[09:10:07 PM] crunkster64: ho-cost>co-host
[09:10:12 PM] crunkster64: pete! copyrights!
[09:10:17 PM] Pete993: quotin this
[09:10:53 PM] SpinningRobo: I am ho cost
[09:11:07 PM] Ulisses77: ....
[09:11:08 PM] SpinningRobo: and co host
[09:11:19 PM] crunkster64: well you cant be both!
[09:41:52 PM] grabnar55: Do you know who rush is XD
[09:42:03 PM] KaidanXain: Yes yes. I know Rush.
[09:42:18 PM] smashdude29: not the dog...
[09:42:22 PM] smashdude29: the band
[09:42:23 PM] KaidanXain: XD
[09:42:32 PM] grabnar55: I saw them live...Neil likes to make songs 2 hours longer then actualy length XD
[09:42:33 PM] KaidanXain: Oooh! (/sarcasm)
[09:42:36 PM] jimaka: XD
[09:42:38 PM] smashdude29: tom made that mistake
[02:40:43 AM] 2009 Tenta: lord banondorf, do you like oreo?
[02:40:44 AM] 2009 Banondorf: the answer is 42, Tenta
During Kirby 64...
Tom: "A 1-up! I want it! I want it!" *dies*
And some I found in a notepad file[00:54] <+Darkamp_48> HURRY UP! TOM
[00:54] <@Banondorf> ... in bed
8:05 SunWolfJake: A 2fer?!
8:05 Banondorf: ... in bed
10:23 BrawlerX: see, pulselane can do it
10:23 Banondorf: ... in my pants
9:48 lasersamurai: Back
9:48 Banondorf: ... in my pants
[19:38] <+Darkamp_48> yes tom, it's about wyvern
[19:38] <@Banondorf> ... in your pants
[16:15] <+PulseLane> Its "TheExplodingRabbit"
[16:15] <@Banondorf> ... in your pants
I think Banon is starting to flrit with me like he does yuki, and that scares mePulseLane wrote:[01:15] <+gdub67> I love LearnToLove
[01:15] <+RvBVic> another great jaggi
[01:15] <+LearnToLove> <3333 gdub
[01:16] <+gdub67> and i love the TBB community, including you Lord banondorf.
[01:16] <@Banondorf> it means nothing to me, gdub67
[01:16] <+gdub67>
3:58 dogluver4ever: lord banondorf,i am female
3:58 Banondorf: I can't be honest with you, dogluver4ever
3:58 Banondorf: stick it, dogluver4ever!
3:58 dogluver4ever: o_o
yuki_fox_demon i tried it and my hands are too small to reach all the keys (12:24)
TomBobBlender it would be: RH - G CE (1 24)
MeNoSeeGood grow a 3rd arm
Banondorf ... in your pants
BrawlerX that's why you have 2 hands
dogluver4ever hey :I
10:50 Banondorf: Hey, AlphaShadow92! I have a joke for you!
10:50 Banondorf: What the Doctor Says... and What He Really Means 1) "This should be taken care of right away." ("I'd planned a trip to Hawaii next month but this is so easy and profitable that I want to fix it before it cures itself.") 2) "Welllllll, what have we here..." (Since
10:50 Banondorf: he hasn't the foggiest notion of what it is, the Doctor is hoping you will give him a clue.) 3) "We'll see." ("First I have to check my malpractice insurance.") 4) "Let me check your medical history." ("I want to see if you've paid your last bill before spending any
10:50 Banondorf: more time with you.") 5) "Why don't we make another appointment later in the week." ("I'm playing golf this afternoon, and this a waste of time." -or- I need the money, so I'm charging you for another office visit.") 6) "I really can't recommend seeing a chiropractor." ("I hate those guys mooching in on our fees.") 7) "Hmmmmmmmm." (Since he hasn't the faintest idea of what to do, he is
10:50 Banondorf: trying to appear thoughtful while hoping the nurse will interrupt. (Proctologists also say this a lot.) 8) "We have some good news and some bad news." (The good news is he's going to buy that new BMW and the bad news is you're going to pay for it.) 9) "Let's see how it develops." ("Maybe in a few days it will grow into something that can be cured.") 10) "Let me schedule you for some
10:50 pacman911: Hmm... I see I see...
10:50 Banondorf: tests." ("I have a 40% interest in the lab.") 11) "I'd like to have my associate look at you." ("He's going through a messy divorce and owes me a small fortune.") 12) "How are we today?" ("I feel great. You, on the other hand, look like hell.") 13) "I'd like to prescribe a new drug." ("I'm writing a paper and would like to use you for a guinea pig.") 14) "If it doesn't clear up in a
10:50 pacman911: Woah, calm down, Banon!
10:50 Banondorf: week, give me a call." ("I don't know what the hell it is. Maybe it will go away by itself.") 15) "That's quite a nasty looking wound." ("I think I'm going to throw up.") 16) "This may smart a little." ("Last week two patients bit through their tongues.") 17) "Well, we're not feeling so well today, are we?" ("I can't remember your name, nor why you are here.") 18) "This should fix you
10:50 Banondorf: up." (The drug salesman guaranteed that it kills all symptoms.) 19) "Everything seems to be normal." ("I guess I can't buy that new beach condo after all.") 20) "I'd like to run some more tests." ("I can't figure out what's wrong. Maybe the kid in the lab can solve this one.") 21) "Do you suppose all of this stress could be affecting your nerves?" (He thinks you are crazy and is hoping
10:50 GigaMan: BANON!
10:50 CrashCat: jesus banon
10:50 Eat_box: THE HELL BANON
10:50 Banondorf: to find a psychiatrist who will split fees.) 22) "Why don't you slip out of your things." ("I don't enjoy this any more than you do, but I've got to warm my fingers up somehow." -or- "I haven't had a good laugh all day.") 23) "If those symptoms persist, call for an appointment." ("I've never heard of anything so disgusting. Thank God I'm off next week.") 24) "There is a lot of that going
10:50 GigaMan: Calm yourself!
10:50 Unholyrath: more wall
10:50 catgir: banonis on a spam spree
10:50 Banondorf: around." ("My God, that's the third one this week. I'd better learn something about this.")
10:50 CrashCat: banon we aint got time for this
10:50 shipguy55: Spamondorf
10:50 pacman911: You done, Banon? <_>
10:51 Grifforzer: LMAO
10:51 gmanvr3: eh, I need to go to bed anyways.
10:51 GigaMan: You expect us to read this, Tom?!
9:13 SeijinXain: Why did it block that?
9:13 Banondorf: ... in your pants
9:13 SeijinXain: Yes, yes.
9:13 FTWFTW: lolwut
9:13 yuki_fox_demon: o.o
4:28 gdub67: The Great Ferret Escape
4:28 Banondorf: not exactly, gdub67...
4:28 gdub67: No?
4:29 gdub67:
4:29 gdub67: He really doesnt like me
4:29 gdub67: lol
4:29 gdub67: even if he told me to get Ms-B in bed
4:29 Grifforzer: lord banondorf prefers "The Great Buddii Escape"
4:29 Banondorf: most definitely, Grifforzer
4:29 PulseLane: lol
4:29 gdub67: fair enough Griff
4:30 Catgir: Do you like me Lord Banondorf?
4:30 Banondorf: has Godzilla been to Tokyo, Catgir
4:31 Ms-B: I am a huge fan of Catgir
4:31 Banondorf: <<< Catgir has earned a FanPoint from Ms-B! >>>
4:31 gdub67: lol Banon loves the ladies Catgir u know that
4:31 gdub67: banon broke Catgir already
4:31 Grifforzer: breaking early tonight.
11:47 gdub67: WB catgir
11:48 PulseLane: wb catgir
11:48 catgir: thnx
11:48 gdub67: we are once again talkin bout how I allegedly broke Otaku's computies
11:48 catgir: ahh yes
11:48 catgir: computies
11:48 Banondorf: I've had just about enough of you, catgir...
11:48 catgir: lol
11:48 gdub67: Banondorf be nice
<PulseLane> lord banondorf, is everyone watching the stream/chosting insane?
<Banondorf> absolutely ... unless you-know-who gets involved, PulseLane
<gdub67> best answer ever
<PulseLane> eww
<PulseLane> XD
11:54 Maverick-Hunter: Kirby never wears pants O _ O
11:54 shadowfreak1101: they're full of country goodness and green peaness, so probably
11:54 Maverick-Hunter: or dose he...? O , O
11:54 Lasersamurai: Meta Knight's pants.
11:54 Forte_Ultimus: Dedede wears pants... right?
11:54 gdub67: maybe kirby was gettin freaky with Sheik after a Brawl
11:54 pacman911: Hmm... Paper Mario. Kirby's Epic Yarn. What's next? Plastic Zelda?
11:55 shadowfreak1101: No, Rubber Metroid
11:55 Forte_Ultimus: Name someone in Dream Land with legs.
11:55 Lasersamurai: Perler Bead Zelda
11:55 pacman911: lol
11:55 pacman911: No pants. Only shoes.
11:55 Forte_Ultimus: Wait! What about Knuckle Joe?
11:55 Maverick-Hunter: gotta lol at the commurcal where the guy gets a ferret to the junk XD
11:56 Forte_Ultimus: He wears blue, though!
11:56 gdub67: Kirby was in smash bros therefore has encountered ppl who wear pants
11:56 Forte_Ultimus: Mario wears overalls, though.
11:56 gdub67: Link, Fox, Falco, Captin Falcon
11:56 gdub67: among many others
11:56 Forte_Ultimus: Captain Falcon has a suit.
11:56 gdub67: still has pants
11:56 catgir: well Metakight doesn't either
11:56 Banondorf: ... in bed
11:57 Forte_Ultimus: Lmao
11:57 gdub67: lol
11:57 catgir: lol
11:57 Maverick-Hunter: no it's a pants and jacket
here's the person that told me I was Tom early morning chat FTW.
7:13 zeldadood64: i love you
7:16 oliveri1: you sound so much like tom
7:17 oliveri1: no the girl
7:17 oliveri1: yep you
7:17 oliveri1: i think tom sounds like you so much
7:18 oliveri1: just when you say .... oh yeah and things like that
7:19 oliveri1: or it could just be me thats going crazy....heehee
7:20 oliveri1: heehee
7:20 oliveri1: i havent herd the co-host on here at this time before, why are you on?
7:21 oliveri1: that game again, is tom any better on mine craft
7:21 oliveri1: oh yeah dont need visuals
7:22 oliveri1: you dont want to he is so bad
7:23 oliveri1: any ways going to shoot, i will see ya all later!!!!
<Maverick-Hunter> Catgir's giggleing broke the stream
<gdub67>And the winner is Off Air
<Banondorf> ... in bed
1:15 catgir: When tom was at the ending his face looked like it was riding on the back of Yoshi lol.
1:16 Canadian_boy: banondorf, what song is this?
1:16 Banondorf: <<< This is First Step Towards Wars by Sound Team jdk from Ys & Ys II Eternal OST >>>
1:16 Canadian_boy: haha
1:16 Canadian_boy: baby Tom on Yoshi's Island Catgir?
1:17 catgir: yep
Banondorf gives Banondorf a back rub
1:17 Canadian_boy: brb guys
1:17 catgir: lol
1:17 PulseLane: Whoah
1:17 PulseLane: Magic
1:17 Banondorf: Hey, catgir! I have a joke for you!
1:17 Banondorf: What not to say when caught drunk driving: 1) I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer. 2) Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in. 3) Aren't you the guy from the Village People? 4) Hey, you must've been doin' about 125 mph to
1:17 Banondorf: keep up with me! Good job!!! 5) Gee, and I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer. 6) I was going to be a cop, but I decided to finish high school instead. 7) Bad cop! No Donut! 8) You're not gonna
1:17 Banondorf: check the trunk, are you? 9) Didn't I see you get your butt kicked on "Cops"? 10) Gee, Officer! That's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning, too. 11) I was trying to keep up with the other traffic. Yes, I know there is no other car around, that's how far ahead of me they are. 12) What do you mean "Have I been drinking? You're the trained observer!
1:17 InitialD: freakin spammer
1:17 Maverick-Hunter: lol
1:17 PulseLane: Dang it lord banondorf, quit spamming
1:17 Banondorf: we talked about this yesterday, so I'm not gonna answer it again, PulseLane
1:17 GoTony: banondorf, why you spammin?