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Thursday Shocktober Wiiplay 1: Silent Hill 1
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:20 pm
by yuki_fox_demon
Alrighty, I figured this was something similar to what we did on the old forums, and this is generally what the wiiplay updates in the chat are for. However, I figured it might be easier to go into more detail here
Silent Hill 1: October 8, 2010
Okay, we started up where Tom left off last year: the first trip to the Alchemilla Hospital after defeating the monster in the Midwich Elementary boiler room. He obtained the red liquid from the Doctor's Office, but was not used to the controls yet and got a game over. Upon re-obtaining the red liquid, Tom headed downstairs, turned on the generator, and used the elevator to go up to the unmarked 4th floor. Cue creepy alternate-hospital. Tom picked up the fire axe in the alternate basement, and started hacking his way through zombie nurses while exploring the hospital rooms. He found all four colored plates for the Nurse's Station and figured out the puzzle, where upon he found himself in a creepy corridor that wasn't marked on the map. By exploring the rooms, he found both a video tape and the Examination Room key by a picture of Alessa.
Tom opted not to view the tape, and head to the Examination room, where we meet Lisa, the only nurse who doesn't seem zombiefied. Tom and Lisa converse about pretty much irrelevant information before a siren sounds and Tom passes out. He wakes up back in the first hospital, and the creepy-lady from the church (Dahlia Gillespie) tells him to find the "other church." We found it, but had to go all the way back to the hospital because Tom forgot to get the key (my bad x3). Tom meets up with Cybil at the Antique Store, who drones on about some drug trafficking in town. After Cybil reveals she saw Harry's daughter Cheryl heading towards the lake, Tom enters a hole in the wall and finds a really weird shrine and picks up the hand-axe. Upon trying to leave, Tom once again hears a siren and passes out, waking up in the alternate world. He heads next door to the Town Center and heads up the escalators, though not before viewing a mysterious video of Cheryl on the TVs. Tom heads past the jewelery shop and falls through the floor, dropping in a boss battle with a giant larva-monster. After picking up the rifle, he chases off the larva, heads outside and back to the hospital.
Lisa makes a second appearance and says the sewers are the only way to the lake. Back outside we go. Only to find that both sides of the road are blocked! Tom can only head up the stairs of the Post Office roof for yet another boss battle! This time with a giant moth. Tom finishes it quickly, heads back over to the hospital, and saves the game for the end of the wiiplay. Next week: to the sewers!
Re: Thursday Shocktber Wiiplay 1: Silent Hill 1
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:04 pm
by yuki_fox_demon
Silent Hill 1: October 14, 2010
So, we picked up this week with Tom heading to the sewers for the first time. He made his way quickly through, despite having to fight annoying monsters that didn't set off his radio. Next stop was Central Silent Hill. Tom stopped in at Annie's Bar and found Dr. Kaufman being mauled by a monkey-like monster. After helping him, Tom picked up some items, including Kaufman's apartment key and a code. On to the Indian Runner Store, where tom used the code to get in and get yet another combination. But not before checking the safe and finding... *gasp* drugs! Seems Cybil wasn't just ranting when she spoke of drug trafficking in town. Tom then made his way down to snoop around Kaufman's apartment, where he finds a motorcycle and its key. Upon using it to open the gas tank, we stumble upon Dr. Kaufman's secret: a vial of the red liquid! But it seems the doctor is none too happy to have his stash discovered, as he shows up and snatches it from Harry. After ranting about finding a way out, he leaves. Time to head to the lighthouse!
After a long trek south, Tom makes his way to a run-down boat. Who should he meet up with but Cybil! They're pleased to find each other safe, and pretty much just catch up on things (in other words, Harry using bad voice acting to tell Cybil things we already heard, and Cybil agreeing something weird is going on). Then creepy-lady Dhalia makes an appearance and blabbers on about demons awakening and darkness swallowing the town. She gives Tom his next destination before leaving: the amusement park. First, though, the lighthouse. Tom leaves Cybil on the boat and heads there after a few game overs due to the lack of decent controls. Once at the top, we see Alessa run off into the mist, and are met with a giant, glowing Samael symbol. Tom is automatically transported back to the boat after leaving, where he finds Cybil to be gone and decides to hurry to the park. Once again, he has to trek through the sewers.
A few deaths here and a few killed monster-teddies there, Tom makes it to the park. He somehow makes his way through the god-awful maze without a map, and finds the carousel. There, we are met with a cutscene of a strange-acting Cybil. But before she can do any damage, Tom throws the red liquid at her and kills the disgusting parasite (or baby, as Tom described it as) that falls from her. Yet another cutscene, this time with Harry revealing Cheryl wasn't his biological daughter, and that she may have a connection with Silent Hill. Yay for plot explanations! After they are done talking, we witness yet ANOTHER cutscene, where Tom finally finds Alessa. Harry demands to know where his daughter is, but Alessa knocks him flat on his behind with her powers, which are then stolen by an activated Flauros (the pyramid shaped thing Dhalia gave Tom earlier in the game). Dhalia shows up, reveals Alessa is her daughter, and that she tricked Harry and was using him the entire time to capture her.
Oh, the joys of cutscenes. Harry wakes up to find himself back in the hospital, where Lisa is sort of freaking out after going down to the hospital basement. She runs off, and Tom follows. Finally, some game play! Tom is back in the hospital that isn't really the hospital. Yes, he is in Nowhere. Basically a mish-mash of a few different places in the game. He solves a couple puzzles on his own, gets some keys, and kills some evil nurses. Finally, Tom catches up to Lisa, who reveals she figured out why everyone else in the hospital is dead: because she is, too. Blood starts pouring down her face from an unseen wound as she asks Harry to help her and tries to hug him. Tom's having none of that! Harry freaks and runs out the door. The last thing we hear is Lisa's fading crying and knocks on the door, and Harry whispering her name. (I had to get off at this point, because I had a call, but from my knowledge, Tom saved and ended the game for the night at Dead End! Continue or quit?)
Re: Thursday Shocktober Wiiplay 1: Silent Hill 1
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:17 pm
by Lasersamurai
omg yuki can you update and explain teh end i no understand
ktxbai laser
Re: Thursday Shocktober Wiiplay 1: Silent Hill 1
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:31 pm
by yuki_fox_demon
haha, i was actually going to, laser

just give me some time
Re: Thursday Shocktober Wiiplay 1: Silent Hill 1
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:14 am
by yuki_fox_demon
Silent Hill 1: October 21, 2010
I apologize for my lack of detail this time, as my stream was acting up, so I'm going to be going from memory of what should have happened. Anyway! So we start off from last week, where Tom left poor Lisa. Unfortunately, there is no map for Nowhere, so Tom pretty much ran around blindly with me attempting to help him. He did fairly well, and found quite a few special items needed to get to the end of the game. Thankfully, photek was kind enough to PM me a fan-made map, and things went much smoother from there. Tom eventually found all the keys and made it to the basement room with metal doors. He went into the kitchen and removed the dagger from the fridge. At the request of Prototypefate (and because I couldn't see where he was to warn him in time), I said nothing as Tom went to leave the room and was killed by the snake-monster-thingy that leapt from the fridge. Sorry, Tom ^^; Anyway, I eventually helped him find the Ring of Contract to fix the broken links on the door so he could leave without being killed. Having all the items, he went to the last room in the game and placed them in the door. Success! The door is unlocked, and we see a cutscene of Alessa and her mother. At Tom's request, I had him empty out all of his bullets before heading to the final boss. Cybil is seen confronting Dahlia, but she is knocked to the ground, unconscious. Kaufman shows up after Harry puts in his two cents, and throws a vial of the red liquid at Alessa, forcing the demon out of her body. Tom automatically beat Samael without having to lift a finger (reason being that it is impossible to hit Samael with anything but a ranged weapon, so getting rid of the bullets fools the game and gives you the win by default). Woo! The creepy Dahlia lady and Samael are both dead. Alessa hands Harry an infant wrapped in blankets, and uses the last of her strength to open a gateway. Cybil and Harry both run towards the light and safety. Kaufman attempts to follow, but we see a completely-changed Lisa crawling from the ground to pull him back to Hell with her. Harry and Cybil escape safely with the baby. Roll credits, and end game! Tom received the Good+ ending.
Alright, to make up for my lack of detail this week, I thought I would explain the plot of the game for those of you who had watched, but not picked up on it (also for Tom's benefit, who might not have gotten it either.) If you like, you can simply go somewhere else to find the story. Okay, so basically, Cheryl and Alessa are not two different girls, but two parts of the same soul. Dahlia had sacrificed Alessa to a fire seven years ago to bring about the birth of her cult's demon god that supposedly resided inside her. She didn't die, and was sent to the hospital. Lisa ties in here. She was the nurse who took care of Alessa, whose burn wounds wouldn't heal and was impossibly being kept alive somehow. (Lisa, as all the other doctors and nurses, is actually dead throughout the game. However, she keeps some of her humanity because Alessa knew her as the kind woman). I don't remember if it says whether or not she actually died, but her soul was ultimately split in two. Dahlia cast a spell to draw her other half back. The soul had manifested itself as the baby Cheryl, where Harry Mason and his wife found her and adopted her. His wife died from an illness sometime after, and Harry decided to take Cheryl on a vacation to Silent Hill for her birthday. Which, as we know, set into motion the events that happened in the game. The "Otherworld" that Harry kept being pulled into was actually a manifestation of Alessa's nightmare, as were the monsters in it (they weren't zombies), that was taking over the town. All along, Dahlia was using Harry to capture Alessa for her own selfish deeds, while Alessa was spreading the Talisman of Metatron symbol over the town to keep the god at bay (they weren't actually the Mark of Samael). Dr. Kaufman was somehow involved with helping Dahlia and in Alessa's birth. He came upon the red liquid in case her plans went awry, which is supposed to dispel evil spirits. Hence why it worked on saving Cybil and driving Samael out of Alessa's body. All of the characters in the game have a tie to Alessa, Cybil's being that she was working on the drug trafficking case in town (by reading notes in the police station, it's found out that the drugs were being used as hallucinogens in certain cult rituals). Anyway, that's the basic plot. Harry kills either the god or Alessa, and both this and the following events depend on the ending.
Short version: Cheryl is Alessa's other half. Harry is going between the real world and the alternate reality trying to find her, which is Alessa's nightmare in physical form. Dahlia has Cheryl, and is tricking Harry into bringing her Alessa. She tries resurrecting her cult's god by joining the souls back together. Harry defeats them either way.
Sorry if some of this is a bit off. It's been awhile since I've played the whole game