[Event: 12-28-09 3 PM - 12-30-09 [?] ]
Thank you, everyone, for a very enjoyable experience playing through this Marathon!
I knew from the very beginning that this was going to be a difficult task. I always hinted that I would be 'scared' to do this, and now that it's all over, I couldn't have been more right about it.
This first MMX game, still, is simply the best in my eyes. The music is just AWESOME and the new concepts introduced to a new series was very appealing. I was proud to know it so well and to finish it smoothly.
MMX2 - While it retained the same look as the original, I felt the music just crumbled; either they completely switched composers or they just didn't really try. It didn't 'feel' much like the original, but I still enjoyed this one. Oh, and that Shroyuken .... what a PAIN to get!
MMX3 - Wow, lots of stuff in this game, and this is when I began to realize just how LONG this marathon was going to last. Getting all of the power ups and discovering all the little secrets for the first time was going to be both fun and time-consuming. I still find it funny that I had to get the Golden Armor three times over

MMX4 - By this time, my mind started to cease and I had to teach a few piano lessons in under and hour. I had to pause the Marathon for a few hours, but jumped right back into it. Admittedly, these games all seem to roll into one big mush of a game in my mind, so I hope I'm talking about the right games here... I remember X4 being a little mean towards the end, but I can't recall the details...darn.
MMX5 - All I can say is... wow. This game was AWESOME. I LOVED THIS ONE! Easily my second favorite in the series! There was something about this game that just made it so appealing to me. It was just so colorful, challenging and lots of fun to play. For the first time in the series (I think) there were actually some cameos and easter eggs not just from the series, but the ORIGINAL series as well. Bravo. This renewed my interest for the upcoming games.
MMX6 - Okay, I don't know who designed this 'game', but whoever did had some serious designing issues. Some of the maneuvers in this game were just completed unfair and I had very little fun playing it. I could not IMAGINE playing through this game without the Ultimate Armor. Even with it, I struggled. Guarantee NOT playing this one again.
MMX7 - Okay, going to be very honest here. This game SUCKED SO BAD. I HATED THIS GAME. NOTHING ABOUT THIS GAME WAS FAIR. Every single boss battle was way too overpowered. It took a good 10 minutes just to beat a single boss, and that's WITH the weakness!!!! It felt like each boss battle was.... the final battle in the game. The 3D environment was just god-awful. Disgusting camera angles that couldn't CHANGE, and those RARE stages that DID offer camera angles didn't really NEED them! What a disgrace to the series. Shame on you, Capcom. Don't even get me started with the 'Red' battle.... not only that, but then the FINAL battle?!? Are you KIDDING me?? Stand there and shoot??? Okay, moving on.
MMX8 - Not gonna lie, this game is my third favorite. I DID enjoy this game a lot, but the flying and the skating... I dunno, I still don't find that acceptable in a Mega Man game. It was cool in MMX1 with the Armadillo because it was a brief part of the level and NOT THE WHOLE THING. Also, the levels never seemed to end. Perhaps the most annoying and disappointing part of this game was the battle following the 8 Mavericks. WAY TOO OVERPOWERED. Also, like in X6, if I had started with the Ultimate Armor, this game could have been done MUCH faster. After being told by MANY sources including those on the internet that codes would only work on new saves, I figured I would have no choice but to go back and get all the armor pieces ... which could potentially take a few more hours, not including the final stages and bosses. The game was again put on hold until the next day. Out of kicks, I tried the code anyway on my saved game... and it worked. I alerted the stream and proceeded to beat the game. It was done within an hour. GO FIGURE.
FINAL THOUGHTS: The Marathon certainly had its ups and downs about it, but what can you expect from an entire series of games I had NO experience playing? My only source of info were the co-hosts, my beloved co-hosts that I cherish the most. I don't think anyone will forget the 5+ hour battle with Red. I know I won't. Also, THANK YOU EVERYBODY for donating to Child's Play! I now they appreciate your support. And, thank YOU for supporting me during this incredibly draining but incredibly FUN experience!
TBB's Top 8 MMX Games (greatest to least)