Here's a USTREAM TIMELINE I put together.
03-xx-07 - Launch of
04-29-08 - New Features! OpenID login support, Twitter Tab added to Broadcaster, Direct-to-YouTube option, Larger video player and "About Us"
06-11-08 - New Features Release! Event Scheduling, new sharing and embedding tool, new 'About Us', FAQ and Help Center
07-01-08 - (Ironically, the same day I joined Major Release: A New Ustream! New homepage, Broadcaster overlays, Broadcaster metrics, new Navigation drop-down menus, New Homepage design (Announcements, Upcoming Events, option to follow ustream on Twitter, flash overlay features (scrolling text, hyperlink text, YouTube video overlay) and Broadcaster Metrics.
08-04-08 - uStream adds new feature: My Feeds. marks the beginning of the second phase of Ustreams site revamp. First phase; new look. Second phase; revamping social networking infrastructure. Friends/Watchlist retired, became Follwers/Following and "My Feeds".
08-07-08 - uStream adds new feature: My Followers. My Followers allows users to manage the ustreamers who are folowing you. Broadcasters can now send out Bulletin to all followers at once, including Twitter.
08-08-08 - uStream adds a New Button Menu. Features include retrieval of URL and embed code for a how or recorded video, share a show or video on Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon and Facebook, report an abuse, follow the ustreamer, and navigation to go back to the show or video page via "Go to Show Page" button. Also added thumbnails for other Live Shows at the moment. Search bar allowing users to search the site from the video player.
10-17-08 - ustream releases Flash Media Encoder Integration (PC only).
01-19-09 - Ustream iPhone Viewing Application is in the Apple App Store. iPhone users can watch and chat with any Ustream show directly from their iPhone.
02-17-09 - Ustream launches Watershed
02-10-09 - Facebook Connect - Login and Let Your Facebook Friends Know What You're Up To.
03-18-09 - Ustream + Newtek Tricaster
03-23-09 - Watershed adds Mobile
03-25-09 - H.264 Available on Mac - Meet Wirecast
04-17-09 - Ashton first to reach One Million Twitter Followers - Nobody cares.
04-22-09 - The Fresh New Ustream - unanounced - "aimed to increase the ability to discover content, interacting in chat and social networks, enabling broadcast highlights". Removed IRC colored, bold, italic and underlined text, broken /me and /nick commands, smaller IRC font, IRC network restriction, added "recommended shows" tab, support for custom banners removed, tip jar removed, glitchy chat scroll bar, much smaller chat box, a one VERY upset community.
06-24-09 - "Ustream on Facebook" Expands Live Video to Social Networks
07-20-09 - Ustream adds ten new "Themes"
08-05-09 - ustream recording app for the iPhone 3GS
09-30-09 - Ustream Launches Partner Program for Conent Partners
10-30-09 - Social Stream now supports Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and AIM
12-09-09 - Live Broadcasting iPhone App in App Store
12-07-09 - Ustream All Access
06-17-10 - Ustream Live Mobilizer
07-16-10 - Launch of Improved Measures to Protect Copyright Holders and Vobile Integration
08-25-10 - New Look for Ustream Today!
11-22-10 - Open Pay-Per-View and Ad-Free Broadcasting Coming Soon to Ustream Users Timeline
- TomBobBlender
- Site Admin
- Posts: 195
- Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:24 pm
- Location: California
- Contact: Timeline
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Wii Number : 3546-5127-8610-8011
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0301-9464-0567
Mario Kart Wii: 0516-7665-3917
Dr. Mario Rx Online: 4670-9321-8111
Tetris DS: 060635-257343
Mario Kart DS: 476896-529050
Tetris Party: 451135-831426