Stream Quotes

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Gdub67 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:51 am

[01:46] <+Lost_Cause> where have you been, Tom?

[01:46] <@Banondorf> ... in your pants

[01:46] <+gdub67> Lost_Cause thats getting quoted

[01:46] <@Banondorf> stick it, gdub67!

[01:4] <+gdub67> I am Banondorf right in the forum
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by ModernHyrulian » Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:05 am

[00:43] <@Banondorf> It's time for the Banhammer Challenge!
[00:43] <@Banondorf> our lucky player is ...
[00:43] <@Banondorf> =+-+-< ModernHyrulian! >-+-+=
[00:43] <+magic_cake> uh oh...
[00:43] <@Banondorf> ModernHyrulian, choose a number between 1 and 3 within 10 seconds! Type: !choose <number>
[00:43] <+gdub67> modern go go go
[00:43] <+ModernHyrulian> !choose 1
[00:43] <@Banondorf> <<< you won 5000 Dragon Points! Excellent choice, ModernHyrulian! >>>
[00:43] <+gdub67> yay
[00:43] <+ModernHyrulian> yesss!!
[00:43] <+WillSerenity> grats modern
[00:43] <@Banondorf> <<< ModernHyrulian did not answer in time ... >>>
[00:43] <+gdub67> lol
[00:43] <+ModernHyrulian> huh?
[00:43] <+ModernHyrulian> :(
[00:43] <+WillSerenity> wha?
[00:43] <+magic_cake> lol
[00:44] <+ModernHyrulian> !dp
[00:44] <@Banondorf> <<< you have 81632 Dragon Point(s), ModernHyrulian >>>
[00:44] <+magic_cake> poor modern.
[00:44] <+gdub67> Ive never seen him not do that after somebody one
[00:44] <+ModernHyrulian> hey! lord banondorf cheated me!
[00:44] <@Banondorf> you wouldn't understand it if I told you, ModernHyrulian
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by yuki_fox_demon » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:18 pm

[19:12] <@BrawlerX> but yeah Tom, you're lagging something fierce
[19:12] <@Banondorf> what makes you say that, BrawlerX?
[19:12] <@BrawlerX> every few seconds the stream lags out
[19:12] <@Banondorf> prove it, BrawlerX
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Catgir » Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:27 pm

9:16 Banondorf: hey RenTimH! Yo mama like McDonalds!!! Billions and Billions served!
9:16 RenTimH: holy crow!
9:16 RenTimH: that's your mom, lord banondorf?
9:16 Banondorf: no, RenTimH
9:16 Foxknight: :3
9:16 RenTimH: o.o
9:16 photek97: Lord Banondorf, did YOU lose the game?
9:16 Banondorf: I think so, photek97
Foxknight Eat chesseburger
9:16 RenTimH: lol
9:17 WolfAmadeus: lord banondorf, do you eat mcdonalds?
9:17 Banondorf: I would have to say yes, WolfAmadeus
9:17 RenTimH: lol again
9:17 WolfAmadeus: lol
9:17 WolfAmadeus: this guy is funny
9:17 photek97: I'd hate to be an old farmer then
9:17 RenTimH: you crack me up, lord banondorf
9:17 Banondorf: It's about time. It's about space. It's about time you got a slap in your face, RenTimH
9:17 RenTimH: o.o
9:17 Catgir: lol
9:17 WolfAmadeus: lord banondorf quit being mean
9:17 Banondorf: I'd rather not answer that, WolfAmadeus

9:18 photek97: Lord Banondorf, can I have a hate point?
9:18 Banondorf: I'm not interested, photek97
9:18 WillSerenity: it's after 10 and it's time for lord banondorf's nap
9:18 Banondorf: you may rely on it, WillSerenity
9:18 WillSerenity: see?
9:18 Banondorf: prove it, WillSerenity

9:19 Tanur: REALLY
9:19 WolfAmadeus: hey Tanur
9:19 Tanur: WHERE
9:19 Tanur: yo
9:19 WolfAmadeus: word of advice: watch out for banondorf, he can be mean
9:19 Tanur: Banondorf, do you liek mudkipz
9:19 Tanur: ....
9:19 WolfAmadeus: you have to say lord banondorf
9:19 Banondorf: does a one-legged duck waddle in a circle, WolfAmadeus
9:20 WolfAmadeus: lol
9:20 Tanur: lord banondorf, do you liek mudkipz
9:20 Banondorf: I take stong offense to that question, Tanur
Foxknight Shoot fox laser at WolfAmadeus
9:20 WolfAmadeus: ouch lord banondorf he hit me
9:20 Banondorf: I have serious doubts, WolfAmadeus
9:20 WolfAmadeus: :(
9:20 Foxknight: Later
9:20 Zero3K: Wrong Answer, McFly
9:20 Tanur: is lord Banondorf trolololing?
9:20 Banondorf: has Godzilla been to Tokyo, Tanur
9:20 Tanur: ....uhhhh
photek97 tries to imagine Godzilla riding on a plane to Tokyo...
9:21 Zero3K: Banondorf, what song is this?
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by yuki_fox_demon » Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:37 pm

[22:36] <+TheYokai> What did yuki just do?
[22:36] <@Banondorf> ... in your pants
[22:36] <@yuki_fox_demon> thank you, hun x3
[22:36] <+Satyrane> yessir Wolf, was using it here before
[22:36] <@yuki_fox_demon> O_O
[22:36] <@yuki_fox_demon> NOTHING
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by yuki_fox_demon » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:01 pm

[22:58] <+KaidanXain> I'M GOING TO THE BATHROOM!
[22:58] <@Banondorf> ... in your pants
[22:58] <+KaidanXain> ...
[22:58] <+TheYokai> lol
[22:58] <+ModernHyrulian> wow
[22:58] <+TheYokai> classy, lord banondorf.
[22:58] <@Banondorf> I'm very busy right now, TheYokai
[22:58] <+shadowfreak1101> That was... actually well timed
[22:58] <+KaidanXain> I'm potty trained, Lord Banondorf. Honest. >_>;
[22:58] <@Banondorf> you're crazy if you think so, KaidanXain
[22:59] <+shadowfreak1101> yuki, mind quoting this?
[22:59] <+TheYokai> lmao
[22:59] <@yuki_fox_demon> absolutely
[22:59] <+KaidanXain> *sigh* Alright. I'm going to change my pants.
[22:59] * +KaidanXain sulks.
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by PulseLane » Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:54 am

[00:47] <@Foxtrot200> Dr. Dub, my arm hurts whenever I do this:
[00:47] <@Banondorf> ... in yuki_fox_demon's pants
[00:47] <+gdub67> and Im doin just fine
[00:47] * @Foxtrot200 does this
[00:47] <@Foxtrot200> OW!
[00:47] <+WillSerenity> LOL
[00:47] <@yuki_fox_demon> O__O
[00:47] <+gdub67> I recommend not doing that
[00:47] <+PulseLane> whoah
[00:47] <+Lost_Cause> then stop putting your arm in Yuki's pants
[00:47] <@yuki_fox_demon> DAMMIT, BANON DX
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by WillSerenity » Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:02 am

[05:57] <+gdub67> I like banon telling me and Ms-B to find something to do in bed
[05:58] <+gdub67> I want to know
[05:58] <+gdub67> I dont know
[05:58] <+Ms-B> you're too young, g :/
[05:58] <@Banondorf> that's HAWT, Ms-B!
[05:58] <@AncientGuru> LOL
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Gdub67 » Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:14 am

Tom is doing Omegle Hour at 6 am
gdub67- Pingas Tom

AsianDude- The Pull out the pingas

gdub67- Its gonna be pingas

Banondorf- . . . in your pants
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Foxtrot200 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:42 pm

**Red text signifies CTCP messages. CTCP mean Client to Client Protocol which is usually used by IRC clients and servers to exchange information such as client, time, ping, and miscellaneous messages such as FINGER responses. Please note that FINGER is an IRC joke that is the client to client equivalent of "/me pokes you".

[16:29] <Foxtrot200> Can I call you purple?
[16:29] <Satyrane> ...purple?
[16:29] <Foxtrot200> The server says your "real name" is Purple.
[16:29] <Foxtrot200> :P
[16:29] -> [Satyrane] VERSION
[16:29] [Satyrane VERSION reply]: Purple IRC
[16:30] <Foxtrot200> owait
[16:30] <Foxtrot200> You're using Purple IRC
[16:30] <Foxtrot200> WHat's that?
[16:30] <Satyrane> ....
[16:30] <Satyrane> Pidgin is all I know
[16:30] <Foxtrot200> Ah
[16:30] <Satyrane> but my font is set at Purple
[16:30] <Foxtrot200> That makes sense
[16:30] <Satyrane> Feel free to call me purple, though, it's my favorite color
[16:30] <Foxtrot200> Nah, I wasn't gonna call you Purple anyway XD
[16:31] -> [Satyrane] FINGER
[16:31] <Satyrane> WTF Fox
[16:31] <Foxtrot200> WHat?
[16:31] <Satyrane> Do you know what I just got as a PM from you?
[16:31] <Foxtrot200> It's a CTCP protocol D:
[16:31] <Satyrane> "Received CTCP 'FINGER' (to Satyrane) from Foxtrot200"
[16:32] <Lasersamurai> lol
[16:32] <Satyrane> I can't tell if I got flipped the bird or something more invasive
[16:32] <Foxtrot200> Usually people have CTCP respones for CTCP Finger messages
[16:32] <Satyrane> ...
[16:32] <Foxtrot200> It really means nothing
[16:32] <Foxtrot200> I have no idea what it's used for
[16:32] <Satyrane> what "response" were you expecting, exactly?
[16:32] <Foxtrot200> "Quit poking me!"
[16:32] <Satyrane> oh baby, oh baby?
[16:33] <Foxtrot200> You just made an innocent IRC joke sound so wrong D:
[16:34] <Satyrane> You started it with your IRC "finger"
[16:35] <Foxtrot200> I was curious
[16:35] <Satyrane> Yeeeaaaaaah
[16:35] <Satyrane> That's what they all say
[16:35] <Banondorf> with a bag of skittles
[16:35] <Foxtrot200> Fine! Finger me!
[16:35] <Foxtrot200> See what I do!
[16:35] <Satyrane> ...well, heck, if they had skittles, I might say yes
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Satyrane » Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:01 am

(4:45:18 AM) JamesBob006: Lord Banondorf, what the crap is happening?
(4:45:18 AM) Banondorf: I wish you would just disappear, JamesBob006
(4:45:19 AM) Banondorf: ... in my pants
(4:45:25 AM) Satyrane: LMAO
(4:45:29 AM) JamesBob006: OH NO! NOT YOU TOO!
(4:45:31 AM) Pelord: deer lourd
(4:45:32 AM) Satyrane: QUOTE
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Satyrane » Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:25 pm

(12:23:59 AM) JillSerenity: the twins are great =D
(12:24:00 AM) Banondorf: ... in my pants
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Foxtrot200 » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:58 am

[23:56] <Banondorf> 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[23:56] <Banondorf> 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[23:56] <Banondorf> 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[23:56] <Venatusvir> lol nice time to join zelda and sheldon
[23:56] <ModernHyrulian> uh?
[23:56] <gdub67> Banon, NO!
[23:56] <Venatusvir> and soon
[23:56] <WolfAmadeus> what are you doing banon?
[23:56] <WolfAmadeus> did someone break him?
[23:57] <Banondorf> 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[23:57] <Banondorf> 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[23:57] <Banondorf> 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111b
[23:57] <Venatusvir> it was me :(
[23:57] <gdub67> Lord Banondorf, are you broken
[23:57] <Banondorf> I'd rather not answer that, gdub67
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by WillSerenity » Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:36 am

03[03:29] * Banondorf has joined #tombobblender
03[03:29] * sets mode: +o Banondorf
[03:29] <+gdub67> YAY
06[03:29] * +Ms-B hugs Banondorf
01[03:29] <+WillSerenity> welcome back, lord banondorf
[03:29] <@Banondorf> shouldn't you be playing outside, WillSerenity
[03:29] <+gdub67> okay okay u win
06[03:29] * +Ms-B steals Banondorf
01[03:30] <+WillSerenity> it's cold, lord banondorf
[03:30] <@Banondorf> why is that so important to you, WillSerenity
[03:30] <+gdub67> U win a NOnprize
[03:30] <+Maverick-Hunter> D:
01[03:30] <+WillSerenity> cause, i'll freeze my balls off, lord banondorf!
[03:30] <@Banondorf> signs point to yes, WillSerenity
01[03:30] <+WillSerenity> XD
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Grifforzer » Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:44 am


The Banon quote stretches the page, the poor crazy bot.


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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by BrawlerX » Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:04 pm

<@Eat_box> Let's play a game. We can only talk with faces. You say a word, you get devoiced
<@Eat_box> Sound fun?
<@BrawlerX> :|
<@yuki_fox_demon> no
<+Pokemon026> :D :O :E :S :T :H :I :S :C :O :U :N :T :A :S :F :A :C :E :S :?
* Banondorf sets mode: -v Pokemon026
<+qzecwx> Yes
<@yuki_fox_demon> epic win
<@Eat_box> Pfffft
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Grifforzer » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:17 am

[21Dec Tue |06:37:10 am]: Tanur: and i thought Balrog was a beast
[21Dec Tue| 06:37:17 am]: AsianDude: That dash uppercut is a charge move
[21Dec Tue| 06:37:17 am]: Tanur: ....okay
[21Dec Tue |06:37:21 am]: Tanur: i was kinda right
[21Dec Tue| 06:37 am]: Banondorf: stick it, Tanur!
[21Dec Tue| 06:37:26 am]: Tanur: NO U
[21Dec Tue| 06:37 am]: Banondorf: ... in your pants

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by BrawlerX » Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:51 pm

<+Grifforzer> hello one year older Wyvern. =)
<+Wyvernsage08> hello ^^
<~TomBobBlender> he's so old now
<+Wyvernsage08> grrrr
<~TomBobBlender> an old dog
<+Wyvernsage08> oi!
<+Maverick-Hunter> now let's go get hammerd to celibrate
<+Wyvernsage08> im only like 3 in dog years
<@BrawlerX> underaged?
<@BrawlerX> i think so
<+Wyvernsage08> but 21 in human years >:3
<+Wyvernsage08> so i think not
<@Banondorf> you lost the game, Wyvernsage08
<+Wyvernsage08> ffffffffffffffffffffu
<~TomBobBlender> lol
(January 5th, 2011 during Game over)
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Foxtrot200 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:36 am

[3:33] <Banondorf> RagnellExuro, tell us about a specific technique you enjoy/want from a lover performing oral sex on you.
[3:33] <Banondorf> hey, jenna12381! Did you know that The Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book.
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Azurillkirby » Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:22 pm

Co-Host: I think you will win
Then Tom goes on about they need to say that they should KNOW that he will win.
9:14 yankees267: tom U r going to win
Tom: See, we need more people like Yankees
9:14 yankees267: :)
9:14 Banondorf: stick it, yankees267!
9:14 yankees267: T_T
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by golfpro315 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:58 pm

My favorite quote of all comes from the one and only KevTehNev: " Don't talk about bans!"
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by yuki_fox_demon » Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:03 pm

golfpro315 wrote:My favorite quote of all comes from the one and only KevTehNev: " Don't talk about bans!"
o.O i dont get how this is a funny quote... that's just a rule
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Azurillkirby » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:17 pm

7:12 MusashiAA: I am in the air
7:13 Azurillkirby: I am the air
7:13 Banondorf: jeez, does Azurillkirby EVER stop talking?!
7:13 MusashiAA: For no particular reason!
7:13 Azurillkirby: nope, get used to it, lord banondorf
7:13 Banondorf: well, what would you do, Azurillkirby
7:13 Banondorf: ... in bed
7:13 cylun: is the stream randomly jumping for anyone else?
7:13 Azurillkirby: ...
7:13 MusashiAA: I am the thunder
7:13 Banondorf: ORLY, MusashiAA?
7:13 MusashiAA: I OWN THE AIR
7:13 Azurillkirby: I would sleep, lord banondorf?
7:13 Banondorf: I never gave you permission to speak, Azurillkirby
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by yuki_fox_demon » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:51 pm

[01:26] <+MrK> Lord Banondorf Loves trolling on Yuki
[01:26] <12@Banondorf> ... in bed
[01:26] <12@Banondorf> in the worst way, MrK
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Azurillkirby » Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:45 pm

6:39 Sydonia: In good news, since the snow has mostly melted, I got to drive Bumble Bee today :)
6:39 Azurillkirby: drive Bumble Bee?
6:40 Azurillkirby: did you hop on a bee and ride him like a flying horse?
6:40 Sydonia: <--- has a 2010 Transformers Edition Camaro
6:40 Azurillkirby: oh
6:40 Azurillkirby: me is imagining a guy whipping a bee while riding it...
6:40 Satyrane: what.
6:40 Azurillkirby: */me
6:40 Banondorf: <<< ustreamer-47628 has evolved into TheRealSneakers! >>>
Azurillkirby is imagining a guy whipping a bee while riding it...
6:41 Azurillkirby: there we go
6:41 MusashiAA: I used to ride bees once
6:41 Banondorf: <<< ustreamer-80618 has evolved into TheRealSneakers! >>>
6:41 Azurillkirby: how was it?
6:41 Banondorf: glad you could join us, TheRealSneakers
6:41 MusashiAA: Too much buzzing
6:41 MusashiAA: And they're all stingy and stuff
6:42 Azurillkirby: Why'd you stop?
6:42 Satyrane: hell Syd you can take advantage of ME in that :D
6:42 MusashiAA: *STING*
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Azurillkirby » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:55 pm

Azurillkirby is playing I Wanna See You Suffer
9:51 Grifforzer: the poor dog, losing health points.
9:51 Sydonia: This jus tmakes Tom look like an animal abuser
9:51 photek97: Azurill, I didn't know my ex made a game?

(I Wanna See You Suffer is an IWBTG mod made by UltraJMan)
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by MrRayKoma » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:48 pm

<+twobuckets> lol it true though
<+twobuckets> u can see
<+Pokemon026> posted update to youtube, along with a little hint about the account switch
<@Banondorf> ORLY, twobuckets?
<@Banondorf> ... in my pants
<+twobuckets> wow banon u perve
<+twobuckets> perv*
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Grifforzer » Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:54 am

[23Jan Sun |08:47:01 am]: <WillSerenity> night griff and everyone ^^
[23Jan Sun| 08:47am]: * @Banondorf steals WillSerenity
[23Jan Sun |08:47:12 am]: <WillSerenity> i have ot go, lord banondorf
[23Jan Sun |08:47:12 am]: <Satyrane> Night Griff
[23Jan Sun| 08:47am]: <@Banondorf> in the worst way, WillSerenity
[23Jan Sun| 08:47am]: * +Satyrane has left #tombobblender
[23Jan Sun| 08:47am]: <+Grifforzer> Will you're going to have Banondorf with you tonight, it seems.
[23Jan Sun |08:47:36 am]: <WillSerenity> i guess so
[23Jan Sun |08:47:44 am]: <WillSerenity> ready for bed, lord banondorf?
[23Jan Sun| 08:47am]: <@Banondorf> only if you get your shots first, WillSerenity
[23Jan Sun |08:47:52 am]: <WillSerenity> lol
[23Jan Sun| 08:47am]: <+Grifforzer> XD

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Gdub67 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:11 am

[02:07] * ~TomBobBlender straddles the subkai
[02:07] <+WillSerenity> i came at a good time lol
[02:07] <+Ms-B> blow on it a bit, tom
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Gdub67 » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:57 am

<+Ms-B> at least i'm lucky at something
[01:53] <+twobuckets> like enjoying five guys?
[01:53] <@Banondorf> ... in bed
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."

-Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by yuki_fox_demon » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:41 am

During the first full day of Tom playing on his minecraft server.

(answering Magical_cake, who asked Foxtrot in the cohost call how to protect his chest}
[01:38] <@yuki_fox_demon> wear a bra, cake
[01:38] <@Banondorf> that's HAWT, yuki_fox_demon!
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Lasersamurai » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:09 pm

Take from the minecraft server, this may have "inappropriate language":

Lasersamurai: The heck is with the water.
Eat_Box: Water in Minecraft is like
Eat_Box: Fuck
Eat_Box: It's like fuck
Lasersamurai: Very good simile
Eat_Box: Thank you
Lasersamurai: I shall quote it for you
Eat_Box: Go for it
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by KaidanXain » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:49 pm

<+KaidanXain> I can resend it.
<@Banondorf> ... in your pants
<+golfpro> asian when he does it log out and back in :P
<+theguesst> You haven't been here in ages
<+KaidanXain> No, Lord Banondorf. Just... no.
<@Banondorf> ask your mommy, KaidanXain
<+KaidanXain> Oh, wow...
<+Nickerz> hey guesst ^_^ im good i just got home from the car dealership how about you?
<+golfpro> sup kaidan
<+KaidanXain> Lord Banondorf, you a naughty boy!
<@Banondorf> I think so, KaidanXain
<+KaidanXain> XD
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by KreamCheese » Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:49 am

5:43 KreamCheese: I love you Lord Banondorf
5:43 Banondorf: you are not loved
5:43 KreamCheese: :'(
~Dance Kirby Dance~
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by wildduder » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:13 am

12:12 Banondorf: you're late, Banondorf
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by wildduder » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:34 pm

6:29 Wildduder: Lord Banondorf, Do you have any pie for today?
6:29 Banondorf: outlook good, Wildduder
6:29 Wildduder: :)
6:29 Wildduder: Lord Banondorf, Can i have some?
6:29 Banondorf: I'm not sure, Wildduder
6:29 Wildduder: :/

6:32 darkgamermya19: :o
6:32 Wildduder: Lord Banondorf, Can i have some pie now?
6:32 Banondorf: undoubtably so, Wildduder
6:33 Wildduder: yay :D
6:33 darkgamermya19: lord banondorf, may i have some pie?
6:33 Banondorf: no, darkgamermya19
Wildduder takes the pie
6:33 darkgamermya19: :(
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Satyrane » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:21 pm

(12:16:15 AM) WillSerenity: dub, i'd like a pound of nuts
(12:16:29 AM) MrRayKoma: !streamcouple
(12:16:29 AM) Banondorf: <<< today's Cutest Stream Couple are DarkShadowss and gdub67! >>>
(12:16:50 AM) gdub67: and I would like a beer, what are u getting at?
(12:16:57 AM) WillSerenity: lol
(12:17:05 AM) WillSerenity: kung pow...
(12:17:08 AM) Satyrane: We don't want to know about your love of nuts, Will
(12:17:20 AM) gdub67: we already know about his love of nuts
(12:17:30 AM) Satyrane: WillGF might want to know, but we don't
(12:17:32 AM) gdub67: you've seen it, you cant unsee it
(12:17:37 AM) Satyrane: lol dub
(12:17:44 AM) WillSerenity: secretly gay, gf is a coverup lol
(12:17:53 AM) Satyrane: it's a beard!
(12:17:55 AM) WillSerenity: :P
(12:17:55 AM) MusashiAA: Yeah, secretly
(12:18:01 AM) WillSerenity: XD
(12:18:11 AM) gdub67: I hear that you guys call that a beard
(12:18:15 AM) photek97: whaaaat?
(12:18:20 AM) Satyrane: Will's gay
(12:18:21 AM) photek97: I had a beard to my stomach once
(12:18:22 AM) WillSerenity: O_o
(12:18:27 AM) Satyrane: LMAO
(12:18:31 AM) WillSerenity: only for tom
(12:18:32 AM) Satyrane: oh god pho
(12:18:39 AM) gdub67: That is not what Im talking about Pho, at least i hope not
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by Gdub67 » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:29 pm

[23:03] <+gdub67> maybe banon will read our "tearjerking" stories and make me and the canadian Wonder the stream couple
[23:03] <+gdub67> lol
[23:03] <+Satyrane> damn dub
[23:03] <+gdub67> like i said saty meh
[23:03] <@Banondorf> <<< today's Cutest Stream Couple are DarkShadowss and gdub67! >>>
[23:03] <@Banondorf> nice of you to join us, EmeraldRuby
[23:03] <+WillSerenity> LoL
[23:03] <+pokemon026> ooh
[23:03] <+Satyrane> Well, you're one half of it XP
[23:03] <+gdub67> well half right
[23:03] <+gdub67> lol
[23:04] <+WillSerenity> nice call, dub
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."

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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by ModernHyrulian » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:16 am

[01:42:47] <+EevilEevee> ARE YOU HAPPY NOW,LORD BANONDORF??!?
[01:42:48] * Banondorf sets mode: -v EevilEevee
[01:42:48] <@Banondorf> for the LAST time... YES, EevilEevee
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Re: Stream Quotes

Post by MrRayKoma » Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:04 pm

<+pokemon026> No, you.
<+WolfAmadeus> i predict noob of day will be
<+MrRayKoma> ... ne
<+WolfAmadeus> Will
<@Banondorf> I agree, WolfAmadeus
<+gpeiker> do not abreviate AI for american idol, AI is artificial intelligence
<+WolfAmadeus> see?
<+pokemon026> lol
<+golfpro> most likely raykoma
<+WillSerenity> yes?
<+RenTimH> i voted myself as noob of the day
<+WolfAmadeus> banon agrees with me will
<+WolfAmadeus> i predicted you will be noob of day
<+WillSerenity> haha
<@Banondorf> <<< who will it be? >>>
<@Banondorf> <<< who will win 4828 Dragon Points?!? >>>
<+coolgamer> :o
<+pokemon026> ooh
<@Banondorf> <<< the "Noob of the Day" is WillSerenity! >>>
<+WillSerenity> omg!
<+coolgamer> :P
<+pokemon026> OOOH
<+WolfAmadeus> I was right!!!!!
<@BrawlerX> O__O
<+WolfAmadeus> omg!!!
<+golfpro> noobserenity
<+MrRayKoma> QUOTE!!!
<+WillSerenity> someone quote that shiz
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