I have installed BukkitContrib and Player Editor to the Minecraft server!
BukkitContrib is a server-client API plugin that enables all sorts of cool things ranging from behind the scenes chest and inventory features, to capes, to custom sounds and texture packs from the server!
The catch: It requires a client mod! (download here)
No worries, though, because the client mod has an installer and the developer is willing to fix any conflicts between it and other client mods.
(If you experience incompatibilities, please post here or contact me and I'll put a word in for ya or post in the Bukkit thread.)
BukkitContrib does nothing itself serverside, but it does enhance the clientside chat by enabling the clipboard, enhancing editing capabilities, and creating a previous messages list similar to mIRC's. Instead, it requires other plugins to work it's magic for it! This is the whole purpose of an API!
One of these plugins is Player Editor which allows custom capes, titles, and skins per player or group.
Currently, these are the capes assigned to each rank:




and these for Tom and me



In the future, I may allow players to request their cape to be changed, but I'm currently just experimenting with this.
It would seem that the latest HD Texture Patcher conflicts with BukkitContrib causing BukkitContrib to fail to load properly (This is my best guess). In any case, they don't seem to work together one way or another so it's either HD texture packs or capes and a better chat. It's really a personal choice.
I'm sure the developer is aware of the issue. There have been compatibility issues with it before this.
If you're having problems with anything else, try installing BukkitContrib first then the rest of your mods in the order most important to least important.
The best way to see if a mod conflicts with another is to look at the .class files in each of the mods and see if you can find any matches.