TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
- TomBobBlender
- Site Admin
- Posts: 195
- Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:24 pm
- Location: California
- Contact:
TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
TomBobBlender's Webstream Timeline
07-01-08 - TomBobBlender randomly decides to stream his ferret, Buddii, to a friend of his.
07-04-08 - first group of slides made (Mario Paint welcome, friend codes)
07-05-08 - golfpro was the first user I ever kicked off my channel after telling me to shut the hell up. He then AIM'ed me and called me a n***er.
07-08-08 - Zemura joins the moderation team.
07-08-08 - Played B-17 Bomber on the stream
07-09-08 - HAGGGGGG is the first (and only winner) of the Game Show
07-10-08 - GigaMan was banned by the ustream bot. He tried to explain to me how to remove the ban. I was unable to figure it out. I had to go to the ustream help channel to have them remove it.
07-11-08 - First Nintendo Cartoon was streamed
07-12-08 - TBB stream officially listed chat room rules
07-12-08 - CrispyYoshi was banned as a test ... and I had no idea how to unban people... again. The ustream help channel had to remove the ban.
07-15-08 - Livestreamed Nintendo E3 conference ; created Firin' Ma Lazor Mario Paint ; installed Homebrew Channel on the stream ; Began Earthbound Zero LP
07-18-08 - the first and original BAN sound was created.
07-21-08 - trailerboy415 joins the stream
07-24-08 - While Smashdude was co-hosting SMB64, an Oni impersonator joined the stream. Smashdude banned the wrong Oni. The Ability to change nicks was disabled.
07-26-08 - TBB creates his first "Puppet Show" with various Bead Art creations to Britney Spears music
08-05-08 - TBB-Bot is born
08-08-08 - During Bead Art, Wiitarhero declared TBB-Bot be renamed Banondorf due to a Nintendo-related name and TBB-Bot's infamous banning reputation.
08-08-08 - Foxtrot200 joins the stream
08-12-08 -"My Buddii and Mii" video created
08-14-08 - TBB's Stream is officially Rated E
08-14-08 - MrRayKoma joins the stream
08-16-08 - Buddii is officially declared the ustream mascot
08-20-08 - TBB's 166th Follower, yuki_fox-demon, joins the stream
08-23-08 - lasersamurai joins the stream
08-24-08 - TBB Logo Created - ToyToy411 joins the stream
09-02-08 - Ronso158 joins the stream
09-08-08 - TBB's Stream is officially Rated "T"
09-12-08 - DarkSonic joined the stream
09-20-08 - The first fund raising event and video game marathon, Mega Man Marathon. Completed 1-8 in time for the release of MM9.
09-20-08 - AncientGuru joins the stream
09-21-08 - KevTehNev joins the stream
09-27-08 - jenna12381 joins the stream - Bjorn6400 becomes our first stream president. Opponents included BigAl109, coldsteel1212 and smashdude29. Bjorn6400 won with 79% of the stream votes.
10-01-08 - the launch of "Shocktober", a month-long gaming experience of scary video games of all systems and ratings. Regularly-scheduled LP's are on hold until the 1st of November. Castlevania was our first game which won against Wizards and Warriors, Maniac Mansion and Ghostbusters.
10-24-08 - MOTHER 4 Translation revealed!
10-26-08 - Golfpro was blocked from the ustream by his parents. TBB made a video in his memory
11-12-08 - TBB trips up the chat with "What is Love?" in Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door
11-16-08 - The Official TBB Forums is created
12-01-08 - MakouOfTheSky joins the moderation team.
12-14-08 - Delta4845 joins the stream
12-19-08 - AncientGuru becomes our second stream president! Opponents included MrRayKoma and smashdude29. AncientGuru won with 76% of the stream votes.
12-27-08 - The second fund raising event and video game marathon to complete the entire Mega Man X series.
12-28-08 = Wyvernsage08 joins the stream (3:31 PM)
01-09-09 - mimeman joins the stream
01-09-09 - AncientGuru joins the moderation team.
01-11-09 - TBB Forums reach 100 members
01-12-09 - the segment "Let's Play Video Games" is renamed to "Wii Play Video Games"
01-20-09 - Join/part sounds introduced
01-22-09 - TBB finishes Mother 3, and is the first time he ever became emotional over a video game
01-22-09 - Super Brawl Sunday
01-25-09 - TomBobBlender creates a Steam account!
01-29-09 - KaidanXain joins the moderation team.
03-04-09 - "Do the Koopa" was introduced
03-13-09 - TBB's Stream minimum age requirement changed from 14 to 13
04-23-09 - TBB's Stream reaches 700 followers AND reaches 200 members on the forums!
04-25-09 - Tommii was added to the stream visual, appearing at the bottom right with changing facial expressions.
04-19-09 - TBB's Stream is featured on and on the iPhone
05-01-09 - TBB's Stream reaches 650+ viewers after announcing its live broadcast of Microsoft's E3 2009 presentation. 300 were reached within the first 10 minutes.
05-03-09 - a customized teal stream clock is added to the stream.
05-11-09 - an updated, fancier Tommii is provided to the show!
05-22-09 - empressdonna joins the moderation team.
06-26-09 - onemorelevel (p_26) joins the stream.
07-23-09 - TBB's Stream reaches 900 followers.
07-24-09 - TBB sets an apparent NEW WORLD RECORD for defeating Bowser on Tetris Attack in 14 seconds on Super Hard Mode. Many witnessed the event but the video recording only catches the aftermath.
07-31-09 - shadowfreak1101 joins the stream
08-17-09 - XMental23 joins the stream.
09-01-09 - TBB's stream celebrates 14 Months of streaming and reaches 1,000 followers!
09-22-09 - MakouoftheSky joins the stream.
09-28-09 - Zombii prepares for his appearance for the second annual "Shocktober".
01-12-10 - InitialD joins the stream
01-28-10 - transparency is added to the red clock.
02-09-10 - PulseLane joins the stream
02-28-10 - MegaMan Megathon For Haiti Relief in celebration of the release of Mega Man 10
02-28-10 - Steve completes his first WiiPlay of Donkey Kong 64 on the stream.
04-24-10 - TBB forums reach 400 members!
04-30-10 - At 2:28am Tom was tragically jocked during a session of Left4Dead. He is currently undergoing daily therapy, unable to move pass the horrible memories... of getting jocked.
07-07-10 - a seconds counter is added to the red stream clock.
07-25-10 - A new TBB forums is created and hosted on his website
08-04-10 - the account name thetombobblendershow is registered on JustinTV
08-09-10 - ghostman487 is our 100th forum member!
08-11-10 - The TomBobBlender Show Facebook Fanpage is created
08-20-10 - The TomBobBlender Show Facebook Fanpage assumes the address
11-10-10 - The TomBobBlender Show purchases a Mumble server, allowing multiple co-hosts to join the show without lagging the production.
11-11-10 - The TomBobBlender Show premieres a new segment called "TomBobTheatre", celebrating the ability to host multiple people at once, by reading movie scripts (Ghostbusters).
12-02-10 - The TomBobBlender Show premieres a new event called "TomBobFanFiction", celebrating the ability to host multiple people at once, by reading internet fanfiction, with the debut of "Ridleys story but waitSamus And LEON!"
01-06-11 - the EST timezone is added to the red stream clock.
01-10-11 - a WiiPlay countdown timer is added to the stream.
01-11-11 - an on-screen ticker indicates the current game and co-host is added to the stream.
01-28-11 - sunflowercandy joins the stream.
02-10-11 - The TomBobBlender Show purchases a 20-slot Minecraft Server (6 PM EST)!
02-12-11 - a Minecraft ticker is added to provide login information.
03-27-11 - "The TomBobBlender Show" tests its first "WiiPlay Video Games" segment with Final Fantasy 7 on JustinTV!
03-30-11 - max214111 joins the stream.
04-07-11 - Tom discovers and signs up for XSplit. It is also the premiere of "The TomBobBlender Show HD"!
04-08-11 - a gray date and clock combination ticker is added to the stream.
04-08-11 - a gray version of the game/co-host ticker is added to the stream.
04-09-11 - a chat ticker is added to the stream!
04-10-11 - a right-aligned iTunes ticker is added to the stream.
04-14-11 - a social networking ticker is added to the bottom left of the stream.
04-27-11 - a left-aligned iTunes ticker is added to the stream.
05-04-11 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 10,000 views on JustinTV!
09-10-11 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 200 followers (sapphireruby)
10-11-11 - PST is added to the clock settings on the stream. The 0 is also replaced with a 12, indicating the midnight hour.
11-24-11 - Mega Man Death, 1UP and E-Tank counters are created for the future Mega Man Marathon.
12-20-11 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 300 followers (coolman879)
01-10-12 - a stream video game system indicator is added to the stream.
01-16-12 - a stream ESRB indicator is added to the stream.
02-22-12 - "The TomBobBlender Show" reaches 180 likes.
01-23-12 - a secondary chat ticker is added to the stream.
02-17-12 - "WiiPlay Video Games" is brought back to life with the first episode of "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword"!
02-19-12 - a visual overhaul of the Game Over Poll is added to the stream!
02-22-12 - !setgame command is fully functional with automation of ESRB/System references, also added gradient fades to both sides of the stream!
02-26-12 - The Co-Host feature via Mumble is now completely automated! Community Gamers Club commands were created.
02-29-12 - First Official CGC-based WiiPlay is hosted by RagnellExuro
02-29-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 400 followers (doubleetv)
03-01-12 - The TomBobBlender Show an on-stream JTV/Rizon chat counter!
03-09-12 - The TomBobBlender Show FanPage reaches 200 likes!
03-16-12 - The TomBobBlender Show features an on-stream viewer counter!
03-23-12 - The TomBobBlender Show features automatic status updates from the Twitch database!
03-31-12 - The TomBobBlender Show combines the chat activity, viewer counter and date and clock into a single flash applet.
04-02-12 - The TomBobBlender Show now presents stream music on a single-line ticker, including the song number.
04-09-12 - The TomBobBlender Show now offers customized nickname and chat colors to the on-stream chat display, purchasable through the Ban'N'Shop.
04-16-12 - The TomBobBlender Show adds color-fading boarders to the show.
04-19-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 90,000 views on TwitchTV!
04-25-12 - The onscreen chat overlay receives a new font, as well as an outside temperature indicator.
05-08-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 500 followers (waltenberg)
05-20-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 100,000 views on TwitchTV!
08-09-12 - nikoli is our 900th forum member!
06-24-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 600 followers (kyu_chan323)
07-11-12 - The TomBobBlender Show replaces the weather Celsius temperature with the streaming PC's CPU Fahrenheit temperature.
08-14-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 700 followers (sheyph)
08-29-12 - The ESRB ticker merges with the console ticker.
09-19-12 - The TomBobBlender Show receives a Nintendo DS "phat" with a built-in capture card originally purchased on 9/15.
09-21-12 - A Twitch/Ustream stream toggle is added to the website.
10-01-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 800 followers (crimsonnn)
12-15-12 - qpejz8519 is our 1,000th forum member!
01-15-13 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 900 followers (hiroshiyo)
01-22-13 - all of the bots have been removed from the forum!
02-07-13 - customized badges have been added to the on-stream chat.
07-01-08 - TomBobBlender randomly decides to stream his ferret, Buddii, to a friend of his.
07-04-08 - first group of slides made (Mario Paint welcome, friend codes)
07-05-08 - golfpro was the first user I ever kicked off my channel after telling me to shut the hell up. He then AIM'ed me and called me a n***er.
07-08-08 - Zemura joins the moderation team.
07-08-08 - Played B-17 Bomber on the stream
07-09-08 - HAGGGGGG is the first (and only winner) of the Game Show
07-10-08 - GigaMan was banned by the ustream bot. He tried to explain to me how to remove the ban. I was unable to figure it out. I had to go to the ustream help channel to have them remove it.
07-11-08 - First Nintendo Cartoon was streamed
07-12-08 - TBB stream officially listed chat room rules
07-12-08 - CrispyYoshi was banned as a test ... and I had no idea how to unban people... again. The ustream help channel had to remove the ban.
07-15-08 - Livestreamed Nintendo E3 conference ; created Firin' Ma Lazor Mario Paint ; installed Homebrew Channel on the stream ; Began Earthbound Zero LP
07-18-08 - the first and original BAN sound was created.
07-21-08 - trailerboy415 joins the stream
07-24-08 - While Smashdude was co-hosting SMB64, an Oni impersonator joined the stream. Smashdude banned the wrong Oni. The Ability to change nicks was disabled.
07-26-08 - TBB creates his first "Puppet Show" with various Bead Art creations to Britney Spears music
08-05-08 - TBB-Bot is born
08-08-08 - During Bead Art, Wiitarhero declared TBB-Bot be renamed Banondorf due to a Nintendo-related name and TBB-Bot's infamous banning reputation.
08-08-08 - Foxtrot200 joins the stream
08-12-08 -"My Buddii and Mii" video created
08-14-08 - TBB's Stream is officially Rated E
08-14-08 - MrRayKoma joins the stream
08-16-08 - Buddii is officially declared the ustream mascot
08-20-08 - TBB's 166th Follower, yuki_fox-demon, joins the stream
08-23-08 - lasersamurai joins the stream
08-24-08 - TBB Logo Created - ToyToy411 joins the stream
09-02-08 - Ronso158 joins the stream
09-08-08 - TBB's Stream is officially Rated "T"
09-12-08 - DarkSonic joined the stream
09-20-08 - The first fund raising event and video game marathon, Mega Man Marathon. Completed 1-8 in time for the release of MM9.
09-20-08 - AncientGuru joins the stream
09-21-08 - KevTehNev joins the stream
09-27-08 - jenna12381 joins the stream - Bjorn6400 becomes our first stream president. Opponents included BigAl109, coldsteel1212 and smashdude29. Bjorn6400 won with 79% of the stream votes.
10-01-08 - the launch of "Shocktober", a month-long gaming experience of scary video games of all systems and ratings. Regularly-scheduled LP's are on hold until the 1st of November. Castlevania was our first game which won against Wizards and Warriors, Maniac Mansion and Ghostbusters.
10-24-08 - MOTHER 4 Translation revealed!
10-26-08 - Golfpro was blocked from the ustream by his parents. TBB made a video in his memory
11-12-08 - TBB trips up the chat with "What is Love?" in Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door
11-16-08 - The Official TBB Forums is created
12-01-08 - MakouOfTheSky joins the moderation team.
12-14-08 - Delta4845 joins the stream
12-19-08 - AncientGuru becomes our second stream president! Opponents included MrRayKoma and smashdude29. AncientGuru won with 76% of the stream votes.
12-27-08 - The second fund raising event and video game marathon to complete the entire Mega Man X series.
12-28-08 = Wyvernsage08 joins the stream (3:31 PM)
01-09-09 - mimeman joins the stream
01-09-09 - AncientGuru joins the moderation team.
01-11-09 - TBB Forums reach 100 members
01-12-09 - the segment "Let's Play Video Games" is renamed to "Wii Play Video Games"
01-20-09 - Join/part sounds introduced
01-22-09 - TBB finishes Mother 3, and is the first time he ever became emotional over a video game
01-22-09 - Super Brawl Sunday
01-25-09 - TomBobBlender creates a Steam account!
01-29-09 - KaidanXain joins the moderation team.
03-04-09 - "Do the Koopa" was introduced
03-13-09 - TBB's Stream minimum age requirement changed from 14 to 13
04-23-09 - TBB's Stream reaches 700 followers AND reaches 200 members on the forums!
04-25-09 - Tommii was added to the stream visual, appearing at the bottom right with changing facial expressions.
04-19-09 - TBB's Stream is featured on and on the iPhone
05-01-09 - TBB's Stream reaches 650+ viewers after announcing its live broadcast of Microsoft's E3 2009 presentation. 300 were reached within the first 10 minutes.
05-03-09 - a customized teal stream clock is added to the stream.
05-11-09 - an updated, fancier Tommii is provided to the show!
05-22-09 - empressdonna joins the moderation team.
06-26-09 - onemorelevel (p_26) joins the stream.
07-23-09 - TBB's Stream reaches 900 followers.
07-24-09 - TBB sets an apparent NEW WORLD RECORD for defeating Bowser on Tetris Attack in 14 seconds on Super Hard Mode. Many witnessed the event but the video recording only catches the aftermath.
07-31-09 - shadowfreak1101 joins the stream
08-17-09 - XMental23 joins the stream.
09-01-09 - TBB's stream celebrates 14 Months of streaming and reaches 1,000 followers!
09-22-09 - MakouoftheSky joins the stream.
09-28-09 - Zombii prepares for his appearance for the second annual "Shocktober".
01-12-10 - InitialD joins the stream
01-28-10 - transparency is added to the red clock.
02-09-10 - PulseLane joins the stream
02-28-10 - MegaMan Megathon For Haiti Relief in celebration of the release of Mega Man 10
02-28-10 - Steve completes his first WiiPlay of Donkey Kong 64 on the stream.
04-24-10 - TBB forums reach 400 members!
04-30-10 - At 2:28am Tom was tragically jocked during a session of Left4Dead. He is currently undergoing daily therapy, unable to move pass the horrible memories... of getting jocked.
07-07-10 - a seconds counter is added to the red stream clock.
07-25-10 - A new TBB forums is created and hosted on his website
08-04-10 - the account name thetombobblendershow is registered on JustinTV
08-09-10 - ghostman487 is our 100th forum member!
08-11-10 - The TomBobBlender Show Facebook Fanpage is created
08-20-10 - The TomBobBlender Show Facebook Fanpage assumes the address
11-10-10 - The TomBobBlender Show purchases a Mumble server, allowing multiple co-hosts to join the show without lagging the production.
11-11-10 - The TomBobBlender Show premieres a new segment called "TomBobTheatre", celebrating the ability to host multiple people at once, by reading movie scripts (Ghostbusters).
12-02-10 - The TomBobBlender Show premieres a new event called "TomBobFanFiction", celebrating the ability to host multiple people at once, by reading internet fanfiction, with the debut of "Ridleys story but waitSamus And LEON!"
01-06-11 - the EST timezone is added to the red stream clock.
01-10-11 - a WiiPlay countdown timer is added to the stream.
01-11-11 - an on-screen ticker indicates the current game and co-host is added to the stream.
01-28-11 - sunflowercandy joins the stream.
02-10-11 - The TomBobBlender Show purchases a 20-slot Minecraft Server (6 PM EST)!
02-12-11 - a Minecraft ticker is added to provide login information.
03-27-11 - "The TomBobBlender Show" tests its first "WiiPlay Video Games" segment with Final Fantasy 7 on JustinTV!
03-30-11 - max214111 joins the stream.
04-07-11 - Tom discovers and signs up for XSplit. It is also the premiere of "The TomBobBlender Show HD"!
04-08-11 - a gray date and clock combination ticker is added to the stream.
04-08-11 - a gray version of the game/co-host ticker is added to the stream.
04-09-11 - a chat ticker is added to the stream!
04-10-11 - a right-aligned iTunes ticker is added to the stream.
04-14-11 - a social networking ticker is added to the bottom left of the stream.
04-27-11 - a left-aligned iTunes ticker is added to the stream.
05-04-11 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 10,000 views on JustinTV!
09-10-11 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 200 followers (sapphireruby)
10-11-11 - PST is added to the clock settings on the stream. The 0 is also replaced with a 12, indicating the midnight hour.
11-24-11 - Mega Man Death, 1UP and E-Tank counters are created for the future Mega Man Marathon.
12-20-11 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 300 followers (coolman879)
01-10-12 - a stream video game system indicator is added to the stream.
01-16-12 - a stream ESRB indicator is added to the stream.
02-22-12 - "The TomBobBlender Show" reaches 180 likes.
01-23-12 - a secondary chat ticker is added to the stream.
02-17-12 - "WiiPlay Video Games" is brought back to life with the first episode of "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword"!
02-19-12 - a visual overhaul of the Game Over Poll is added to the stream!
02-22-12 - !setgame command is fully functional with automation of ESRB/System references, also added gradient fades to both sides of the stream!
02-26-12 - The Co-Host feature via Mumble is now completely automated! Community Gamers Club commands were created.
02-29-12 - First Official CGC-based WiiPlay is hosted by RagnellExuro
02-29-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 400 followers (doubleetv)
03-01-12 - The TomBobBlender Show an on-stream JTV/Rizon chat counter!
03-09-12 - The TomBobBlender Show FanPage reaches 200 likes!
03-16-12 - The TomBobBlender Show features an on-stream viewer counter!
03-23-12 - The TomBobBlender Show features automatic status updates from the Twitch database!
03-31-12 - The TomBobBlender Show combines the chat activity, viewer counter and date and clock into a single flash applet.
04-02-12 - The TomBobBlender Show now presents stream music on a single-line ticker, including the song number.
04-09-12 - The TomBobBlender Show now offers customized nickname and chat colors to the on-stream chat display, purchasable through the Ban'N'Shop.
04-16-12 - The TomBobBlender Show adds color-fading boarders to the show.
04-19-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 90,000 views on TwitchTV!
04-25-12 - The onscreen chat overlay receives a new font, as well as an outside temperature indicator.
05-08-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 500 followers (waltenberg)
05-20-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 100,000 views on TwitchTV!
08-09-12 - nikoli is our 900th forum member!
06-24-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 600 followers (kyu_chan323)
07-11-12 - The TomBobBlender Show replaces the weather Celsius temperature with the streaming PC's CPU Fahrenheit temperature.
08-14-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 700 followers (sheyph)
08-29-12 - The ESRB ticker merges with the console ticker.
09-19-12 - The TomBobBlender Show receives a Nintendo DS "phat" with a built-in capture card originally purchased on 9/15.
09-21-12 - A Twitch/Ustream stream toggle is added to the website.
10-01-12 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 800 followers (crimsonnn)
12-15-12 - qpejz8519 is our 1,000th forum member!
01-15-13 - The TomBobBlender Show reaches 900 followers (hiroshiyo)
01-22-13 - all of the bots have been removed from the forum!
02-07-13 - customized badges have been added to the on-stream chat.
Last edited by TomBobBlender on Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Now You're Playing With Power!"
Wii Number : 3546-5127-8610-8011
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0301-9464-0567
Mario Kart Wii: 0516-7665-3917
Dr. Mario Rx Online: 4670-9321-8111
Tetris DS: 060635-257343
Mario Kart DS: 476896-529050
Tetris Party: 451135-831426

Wii Number : 3546-5127-8610-8011
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0301-9464-0567
Mario Kart Wii: 0516-7665-3917
Dr. Mario Rx Online: 4670-9321-8111
Tetris DS: 060635-257343
Mario Kart DS: 476896-529050
Tetris Party: 451135-831426

Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
09/26/10 Election held for new Stream Commitee
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."
-Mitch Hedberg
-Mitch Hedberg
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
10/7/10 Tom Breaks Left 4 Dead at 4:42 AM (Safe room will not open inNo Mercy Campaign)
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."
-Mitch Hedberg
-Mitch Hedberg
- Foxtrot200
- Posts: 131
- Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:04 pm
- Grifforzer
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:24 pm
- Location: northern Illinois
- Contact:
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
Ustream states I followed May 12th 2009

Neo Deboth Army having their fun while not trying to destroy Japan.
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
September 13th, 2011 needs to be remembered, for it was the day Tom and I temporarily became a slave to the GPS lady.
2:18 Pelord: I'm not responsible for the damages caused from these videos
2:18 Banondorf: ... in bed
2:18 Banondorf: ... in bed
- Grifforzer
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:24 pm
- Location: northern Illinois
- Contact:
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
September 19-20, 2011
WillSerenity Fell Asleep after Playing Left 4 Dead with Satyrane, Claremonster, and Maverick-Hunter. (as told to me by Gdub )
I came to the stream that morning watching/listening to a sleep cast and Gdub trying to wake up Will to get his ass to bed and turn off the stream.
WillSerenity Fell Asleep after Playing Left 4 Dead with Satyrane, Claremonster, and Maverick-Hunter. (as told to me by Gdub )
I came to the stream that morning watching/listening to a sleep cast and Gdub trying to wake up Will to get his ass to bed and turn off the stream.

Neo Deboth Army having their fun while not trying to destroy Japan.
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
All i could do was try. lolGrifforzer wrote:September 19-20, 2011
WillSerenity Fell Asleep after Playing Left 4 Dead with Satyrane, Claremonster, and Maverick-Hunter. (as told to me by Gdub )
I came to the stream that morning watching/listening to a sleep cast and Gdub trying to wake up Will to get his ass to bed and turn off the stream.
"An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."
-Mitch Hedberg
-Mitch Hedberg
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
max214111 joins the stream. :3
max214111 joins the stream. :3
- Sunflowercandy
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:25 pm
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
1/28/11 is when I joined cx
Your foot hit something small and round. It's a doorknob. Got the doorknob.
- Pokemon026
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:39 pm
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
Onemorelevel joins the stream, eventually changing to pokemon026 in September, then again to P_26 in 2011.
Onemorelevel joins the stream, eventually changing to pokemon026 in September, then again to P_26 in 2011.
- KreamCheese
- Posts: 124
- Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:27 am
- Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
2-17-10 was the day i first found and joined the stream. I was in anticipation of the Megaman marathon that was about to happen! though I didn't join the forums till 1-6-11 at 4:27 am.
Ever since then, I've had a blast, with lots of great times on the stream
Ever since then, I've had a blast, with lots of great times on the stream

~Dance Kirby Dance~
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
Friday, February 17th, 2012: Official return of WiiPlay Video Games (and Oreo Break) after Tom's move to California, featuring The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
2:18 Pelord: I'm not responsible for the damages caused from these videos
2:18 Banondorf: ... in bed
2:18 Banondorf: ... in bed
- empressdonna
- Posts: 166
- Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:42 pm
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Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
December 2008 (unsure on day): I (empressdonna) joined the stream for the first time
2009 (unsure date and month): stuart444 joined the stream for the first time
2009 (unsure date and month): stuart444 joined the stream for the first time
- AncientGuru
- Posts: 75
- Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:03 pm
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Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
2/29/12 - First official CGC-based WiiPlay is hosted by RagnellExuro
"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and that empty space is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things." - Shigeru Miyamoto
- Posts: 29
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Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
beatman590 joins tombobblender on megaman x maron 12/29/08 12/30 or 12/31 or 1/1/09
Last edited by beatman590 on Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
beatman590 [Youtube] [Youtube][/Youtube] ... =3[Youtube][/Youtube] ... Yw[Youtube][/Youtube] ... zARoAn6fYw
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
July 22, 2008 Eddy2ed Joins tombobblender's stream
I'm supposed to do WHAT now?
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
May 6th, 2010 is the first actual log of me entering the chat.
The date when I first watched the stream seems to have been lost, but I don't think there would have been any record of me there.
(P.S. POST 69!)
The date when I first watched the stream seems to have been lost, but I don't think there would have been any record of me there.
(P.S. POST 69!)
2:18 Pelord: I'm not responsible for the damages caused from these videos
2:18 Banondorf: ... in bed
2:18 Banondorf: ... in bed
- ModernHyrulian
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:06 pm
Re: TomBobBlender's Stream Timeline
October 28, 2008 is when I first joined the chatroom. I stayed for a full 30 seconds!