This is a list of concerns that I feel should be brought up, from the more pressing concerns to the least pressing concerns but I feel I should bring them up and I know that some others feel the same way in some (or all) of the concerns I have listed below.
I know I may not be the most popular here, especially after this but I really like this community which is why I'm posting this thread.
1. Rule Enforcement
This is probably the most pressing of concerns and should be pretty obvious to people who are on the stream a lot/on the stream for more than just the Wiiplay/Game Over. A big reason is due to the length of time that Tom hasn't streamed, the rules have been very much lax but now that Tom is streaming again, the rules need to be enforced again...
This brings me to a point Donna (empressdonna) brought up with me when I was talking to her about this. We feel that because the rules are laxed during Game Over, it makes people think the rules are laxed all the time unless it's during a Wiiplay.
The rules should be fully enforced even during Game Over to avoid people thinking the rules don't need to be enforced unless it's during a Wiiplay.
This brings me to another Rule related issue
Now I don't know if and how this rule has been updated but this rule hasn't been followed too much at all. People do censor evade and I'll admit doing it myself, so have others but this may not be updated since it still mentions ustream but if that rule is still in effect, then it should either be gotten rid of entirely (meaning taking out banons ban system for language) or enforced fully.Rules wrote:I. DO NOT USE INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE
At no time will inappropriate language be acceptable, whether written or spoken. All censored material is controlled and filtered through ustream. Anyone using inappropriate language will receive warnings. A third warning will result in a temporary thirty-minute ban. Censorship evading will not be tolerated.
Sexual Jokes would also come under inappropriate language and even Banondorf has made a joke (this is from last night) which was sexual, (the joke ended with 'blow job' so that should be enough to know it's too much under the current rules). The mods AND the BOT should be the subject to the rules as they are the ones that set the example. What's worse is that the bot is owned by you Tom so if the bot is seen breaking the rules, it gives the impression that it is okay to not follow the rules.
To end this section, I will say that the rules as a whole should be enforced fully or gotten rid of be they parts of the rules (like inappropriate language) or all of the rules.
2. Banon, his scripts and audio cues
First of all, I'll get what may be considered the most annoying for anyone who puts on the stream to listen to the music.
When no one is talking in the chat, banon says every 10 - 15 minutes "It's quiet, too quiet" and this will honestly annoy anyone who is on the chat/stream long enough just listening to the music. This audio cue needs to be removed as it is perhaps one of the most obvious reasons for people to be annoyed and not want to stay on the stream since not everyone will be chatting.
Secondly, the LONG winded jokes should to be removed. They can be seen as spam (being posted over several irc lines in the space of a few seconds) and look quite messy. The short jokes that only take up a line is fine (for reference, line being anything with a time stamp, I am not talking about sentences which are shown with a full stop at the end) and don't make the chat look messy.
His inappropriate jokes also need to be removed UNLESS you get rid of the inappropriate language rule (see above at number 1).
Finally, he needs to pm people (/msg) rather than use the notice command (/notice) for the rules, the forum link, etc as it clogs up the chat room and if there is a lot going on at the time, people won't even see the /notice. Not only that but in the mibbit chat on, people won't even see the topic which is posted in blue as soon as you enter the chat
3. Wyvern and Quicknicks
As should be obvious, Wyvernsage08 has been at Toms a lot and due to this, he has an unfair advantage which he exploits when it comes to quick nicks. He has NO delay on his side because he is at Toms and without any of the usual stream games that used to be on, it's one of the few ways to earn DP that are consistent.
There are others that have called it outright cheap that he gets quicknicks before anyone else because he is at Toms and has no delay. At least one person has said to me "what's the point of having minigames if nobody else has a chance?".
In the end, myself and others feel that this is cheap and unfair on others
4. Outdated rules, forums, stream images and website
These are probably the least pressing concerns but they are worth listing at least.
The rules themself are outdated, an example of an outdated rule is that we can post links with permission as long as it's not a spam link or advertising or anything like that. This also needs updated on the screen image that talks about Links, another example is the rules keep making reference to ustream which is WELL outdated.
This ustream thing however is shown on the rules, the stream images, the forums AND the website. The website and stream images are down to you Tom but there is plenty of moderators on here that may know all the updated rules (or can get them from you Tom) and could update all outdated information on the forums.
Not only that but Yokai brought up reorganizing the forum a few years back and it essentially didn't happen: ... ?f=4&t=186
I feel this should be considered and done asap along with moving outdated threads to the archived section of the forum. Again you have plenty of moderators and they should have permissions to do this stuff (and if not, upgrade one of the people you trust to admin since only you and Guru who is busy a lot these days are admins but mods should at least have access to editing peoples threads so they can update the rules and move threads from one forum to the archive forum)
Since the rules are linked by banon, they should be updated in any case so as to NOT CONFUSE the new users or even old users who aren't aware of any changes in the rules.
People may find you through google as well and see your website so outdated info there and on your stream (stream images) can confuse people.
Some problems with the website:
Ustream references
The about page is an image: - this makes it harder to update than if it was a plain text/mark up solution but that said, if someone doesn't mind changing the image/editing the image to update it then fair enough.
There IS no blog page, "Not found" error is shown when you click on it so that should really be gotten rid of.
A more annoying issue for me but I doubt many others will care: - should be updated to say 2010 - 2012 or something like that.
As you see, this section is the least pressing concerns and some of them are small niggles on my part (mainly the website stuff since the rules/forum/stream images are at least somewhat important)
This might have been a long post but I hope at least some people read it. I also hope if anyone agrees or disagrees, please post. I do know as I've said in some of these sections that I'm not the only one who feels this way in regards to certain issues above (From most to least concerns as I said above).
In any case, I felt it would be good to post this here as these are community concerns all the same.
Thanks for reading